Teachers Need the Fab Five

I’m a big fan of Queer Eye on Netflix.  It’s a makeover show where five wonderful men come into someone’s life to help them learn to dress, cook, decorate, groom, and be confident!  The fab five come into these people’s homes and worlds with only the best intentions and give them the life they want to live. Imagine if we had that support for a teacher.

First, Bobby, the interior designer, would come into your classroom and ask about the culture and routines in your classroom.  He could suggest not only the set up and organization of the classroom, but provide suggestions on how things could run smoother.  He’d also make your classroom look unbelievably chic!

Next, Karamo, the life coach, would really listen to you and your reflections on teaching.  What instructional strengths do you already have? What do you want to get better at doing? What would help you? He would provide the data, training, and follow-up to help you reach those goals.  The whole time he’d be caring and compassionate.

Tan, fashionista, would provide a whole new perspective on what you were currently doing in the classroom and make sure it reflects the way you want your classroom to look and feel.  He’d provide a critical eye to not make you over, but to build on what you already have. Hopefully, he’d also give you some new clothes that work with the constant movement of a teacher.

Antoni, the cooking expert, would make sure that every teacher had a nutrisious breakfast and lunch so they have the fuel they need to be on their feet all day.  He’d make sure you were taking care of yourself with healthy and yummy options. Imagine having someone teach you to make easy healthy lunches instead of frozen Trader Joe’s meals!  

Finally, Jonathan, the beauty consultant, would arrive and tell you how “gorg” you are.  He’d recommend more self-care procedures and give you a great makeover, allowing you to feel confident and ready to take on the world!  You’d reenter the classroom looking great, feeling cared for and with the mindset to be a better teacher.

I don’t know about you, but that’s a show I’d watch!

School image created by Asier_relampagoestudio – Freepik.com

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