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Why should I fill out this form?

You should fill out this form if…

  • You want to boost the confidence of your teachers in supporting English Learners
  • You want to better understand and meet your students’ needs
  • You want your teachers and leaders to gain the skills to enhance teaching methods

Fill out this form to foster equality for all your students, take ownership of your school’s academic achievement, and start seeing results.

Ensemble Learning needs the information you are providing here to put you in contact with one of our Senior Directors.
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At Ensemble Learning, we’re educators, champions for equity, and change managers working in partnership with school communities to leverage all the resources and relationships necessary to make schools equitable for all learners.

Frequently asked questions

At Ensemble Learning, we are educators, champions of equity, and change managers who work in partnership with school communities to leverage all the resources and relationships necessary to make school equitable for all learners.

We’re a trusted steward, providing a clear, actionable roadmap that instructs, influences and inspires everyone in our communities to work together to build stronger schools that achieve stellar results for every student.

We’ll work with schools that are ready to embrace “The Ensemble Way” and prioritize the implementation of our field-tested and research-baked pedagogical practices.

We’ve identified that over 60% of multilingual learners attend 15% of school districts in the US. 

While our focus is on California and Texas, and the main languages we work in are English and Spanish, we have the capacity to work in any state and any language.