Empowering English Learners Through Data Chats and Goal Setting Webinar Recording

We’re excited to share the recording of our March 19th webinar, Empowering English Learners Through Data Chats and Goal Setting”


Empowering & Motivating English Learners

This webinar delves into a few ways to help students take ownership of their academic goals and the goal of reclassifying as proficient English learners.  During the webinar, Rocío Figueroa, Ensemble’s Director of Equity for English Learners, explores strategies for student data chats that can radically change the way students approach their language learning journey and help students chart their future goals.



Here is the hyperlink to the video on Ensemble’s dropbox:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/5cpt542y1wug9g0/ELL%20Data%20Chats%20Goal%20Setting.mp4?dl=0

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