We heard you got a grant, Congratulations! Now, what is it for?

You heard right! Ensemble Learning has received a generous grant from the U.S. Department of Education for their SEED Program.  Funded by this grant, we are partnering with AIR and Bloomboard to bring innovative professional development to charter school leadership teams in the Los Angeles area and Texas.

The College Ready Promise will provide principals and their leadership teams with job-embedded, research based training. The goals of this project are threefold: 1) Provide research-based training and support to 80 current leadership teams to help them increase their effectiveness with 20,000 students. 2) Create a pipeline of 640 future school leaders trained to be impactful principals. 3) Monitor, evaluate, refine, and disseminate the research-based system used to develop principals and school teams to inform districts and charter schools nationwide.

Participating schools will receive four sessions with an expert trainer on English learners, one-on-one leadership coaching, and the opportunity to complete microcredentials to earn money for their schools!  Participants will be provided coaching and support aimed at improving school leadership and overall instruction. Participants will also be required to provide data and allow us to administer surveys and conduct walkthroughs of their schools.  

Key outcomes are that;

  • Each school will have a strong principal and leadership team to solve complex challenges at their school.
  • Traditionally underserved students, particularly English learners, will have improved school outcomes and experiences at school.
  • Each charter school and/or CMO will adapt the professional development provided by The College Ready Promise to their own current system for principal training.
  • Schools will practice and adopt the use of micro-credentials as a vehicle for competency-based professional development.
  • The project will publish lessons and findings that have value for practitioners, researchers and policymakers.

The findings from this study will be useful to schools looking for leadership development, researchers studying the impact of principals on student achievement, and policy makers who are looking for the best way to improve student learning across the nation.

We are currently recruiting participating schools. If you know anyone who could benefit from this partnership opportunity, please refer them to Ensemble Learning at edarwish@ensemblelearning.org or suggest that they fill out this google form and we will reach out!

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