Introducing our new in-house English learner expert!

Ensemble is excited to announce that we have hired Rocío Figueroa as our new Director of Equity!  Rocío is an expert in English learner instruction and adds some much-needed in-house expertise!


Rocío focuses on helping school staff identify and address the needs of English learners using the latest research-based instructional strategies. She earned a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Azusa Pacific Univeristy and her undergraduate work at the University of Southern California concentrated on Urban Education.  Over the past fifteen years, Rocío has worked with language learners at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  Previously, Rocío served as an instructional coach and district-level administrator overseeing the English learner program for a large urban school district. Rocío specializes in understanding and supporting all language learners, particularly long-term English learners and those in dual-language immersion models.


We are thrilled to be working with Rocio and look forward to her sure-to-be amazing contributions to Ensemble’s team!

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